Frequently asked Questions - FAQ

Here you will find some questions and answers.
If this doesn't help you, contact mail to the team the WBT-Team

  • Is the Woodbadge Training recognized by the national scout associations?
    For all members of the DPSG, this WBT is a "normal" WBK which will be recognized like any other woodbadge course. For scout leaders from other countries we can not promise that it will be recognized. We (the Team and the DPSG) support all the participants with anything we can do when they get into discussion with their national training commission.

  • Why do the german participants have to pay more?
    Because the international participants will have additional costs for their journey to Germany, so in the end they even will have more costs for taking part in the course.

  • Which special skills do I need to join?
    There are no special skills needed. Every scout or guide leader who is able to communicate in basic english language and has some experiences with leading a group is invited. All other skills needed will be taught to the participants during the week.
    Members of the DPSG have to fulfil the usual conditions to visit a woodbadge course, which means: they have to finish the modular education of the DPSG.
    If you are not sure about meeting the criteria, please contact the WBT-team.

  • I will not be able to join in 2008 - will there be another international WBT?
    At the moment we can't promise anything about future courses - so you better join THIS time... ;o)

  • Why did you chose this time of year?
    Because we gathered the information that most of the European students and workers are available at this time.

  • I would like to join but don't have enough money...
    We will try to arrange some sponsorship to make your participation possible - please don't hesitate to contact the team!!!

  • I'm a member of WAGGS instead of WOSM - are girl guides invited as well?
    Of course they also can join! We are only talking about "Scout" leaders because in our scout association "DPSG" we don't differ between the genders when we use the word "scout". This course is definitely meant for both male AND female leaders of both world associations!